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Galactic History Exam
🌸 ☀️ 🍂 ☃️

Note: You will not need to consult solutions for this puzzle.

Brute Force

Enter your guess You have 0 guesses remaining for this subpuzzle.

TOKOPHOBIA2022-08-26 18:02:20
EPIGLOTTIS2022-08-26 18:03:09
AQUAPONICS2022-08-26 18:04:13
NOOTROPICS2022-08-26 18:05:05
QUICKPITCH2022-08-26 18:06:19
FOURSQUARE2022-08-26 18:07:20
UPPERCLASS2022-08-26 18:08:01
QBPOSITION2022-08-26 18:09:13
QUINTUPLES2022-08-26 18:10:16
PHOSPHORUS2022-08-26 18:11:14
QTLMAPPING2022-08-26 18:12:15
LIQUIDATES2022-08-26 18:13:20
QUITTANCES2022-08-26 18:14:18
IMPROBABLY2022-08-26 18:15:05
APOLOGIZES2022-08-26 18:16:12
PITCHFORKS2022-08-26 18:17:05
QUAGGINESS2022-08-26 18:18:22
BIOHAZARDS2022-08-26 18:19:01
IDIOTPROOF2022-08-26 18:20:14
POLITICIAN2022-08-26 18:21:20

The Exam

[See original puzzle for image.]