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Galactic History Exam
🌸 ☀️ 🍂 ☃️

Note: You will not need to consult solutions for this puzzle.

Celebratory Music

dusty mic and neon glow are all I need why you opened my arms and you opened my eyes and now that that night and all the next swam without looking back made for the western in my way down in flames with dice to roll up in smoke running in your way so I’ll go but I know I’ll think of you every step of experiments to run there is research to be done king so the boring collect I mean all disrespect and use the right pronoun show the world you’re there frozen in time but time is short and outstretched firm ranks in place designed as a possible way into unexpected fantasies going hard just pumping that gas no one on the corner has swagger like long enough you’ll end up where you were and the universe is shaped exactly like the pen that will write a poem of me and you the ink flows down into a rationality I chimed in haven’t you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door the halfway point doing great so far we what’s all this we stuff I’m doing all that’s driving me mad is going away yeah oh she’s got a ticket to not listen they did not know how perhaps they’ll listen now starry starry night flaming flowers are going beep beep beep and there are so many roadmen on this

The Obligatory Interactive Subpuzzle


The Exam

[See original puzzle for image.]