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Reap What You Sow
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Turn 1
Fix, as socks
Instrument heard throughout Boléro
It stands for change
Kind of bond
Top hat accompaniments

Turn 2
Word preceding “north” or “colors”
Character murdered by Jack
Home of Beto O’Rourke
Like a certain Argonian maid
What you might experience in the limelight?

Turn 3
Instrument heard throughout BoléroBoléro
Enthusiastic attitude (hyph.)
Its top prize went to Julia Ducournau in 2021
Like Romeo and Juliet’s deaths
Lowered the freezing point of, maybe

Its top prize went to Julia Ducournau in 2021
2017 song featuring a Rihanna guest verse
Body part that humans have 8 of
It’s stimulating (2 words)
One might report to a priest

Turn 4
It’s stimulating (2 words)
What a bard might do
What many modern artists use as a brush

Turn 5
Lowered the freezing point of, maybe
Appetizer similar to bruschetta
Like many weddings or funerals
Oft-maligned video game company
Shade of green

Turn 6
What many modern artists use as a brush
Act of tightening
Nickname for a California MLB team
Simile word
Young baseball player

Turn 7
Act of tightening
ACC member
Artist who appeared in My Little Pony: The Movie
It might be a bit steeped
Really express affection
What extreme violence may result in (2 words)

Turn 8
What extreme violence may result in (2 words)
Dwyane Wade’s position
First name of a March on Washington organizer
Heroine in Hindu mythology
Like many dangerous roads
T-shirt size

Turn 9
Really express affection
First name of a well-known Australian actor
Fun time, in slang
Glasses that are half-full?
It causes a reaction, by definition
Often-exciting sports situation
Opposite of adventurous

Turn 10
Glasses that are half-full?
Gandalf, e.g.
It was denounced by B. R. Ambedkar
Lets in or lets on
Provider of cell service?
Suffix with carbox- or salic-
Year end?

Turn 11
First name of a March on Washington organizer

Common survey option
Compass direction
First name of a Half-Life protagonist
Greek letter
How you might treat someone you have a grudge towards
Pokémon Black and White antagonist
Pro wrestler Mia
Recurring James Bond character
Something you might take or hold, in modern slang
Surrounded by
Tesla car
Very popular programming language
What a perfect score might give you
X-ray imaging technique